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Exploring Sensual Art with Your Partner

Photo Credit: Nathan Martins

The world of sensual art offers a canvas for you and your partner to explore and create together. Beyond the traditional forms of expression, sensual art allows you to connect on a deeper level. You both get the chance to develop a unique bond that celebrates both creativity and shared experiences. The concept of sensual… Continue reading Exploring Sensual Art with Your Partner

How Soon Can You Be Intimate After Endometrial Ablation?

Photo by Viktoria Slowikowska

As the dialogue continues to blossom, more and more women are moving forward with their stories of hormonal struggles, including those diagnosed with fibroids, PCOS and endometriosis. Luckily, a myriad of treatments and procedures are becoming accessible to aid symptoms and help those women take back their lives, including the uterine procedure known as endometrial… Continue reading How Soon Can You Be Intimate After Endometrial Ablation?

This Is How To Show Up For Your Acts of Service Friend 

Anna Tarazevich

If there is one thing we know, the acts of service lovers require a specific type of life that looks a little old school. Gifts are nice and hugging is welcomed, but being able to offer time, awareness and reliability is unmatched for some. Think of your friends who feel most valued when you make… Continue reading This Is How To Show Up For Your Acts of Service Friend 

Deep Conversation Starters To Restart The Fire

Photo by Matthew Henry

Relationships have an ebb and flow. There are the good times, sometimes called the honeymoon stage, when everything is exciting, fresh and new. And then there are those times when things seem to settle down, get quiet and even go stale. It’s during these times that couples, young and old, can go through a time… Continue reading Deep Conversation Starters To Restart The Fire

Creative Ways To Show Up For Your ‘Gifts’ Love Language Friend


The ‘gifts’ love language might seem to be the simplest and most common-sense of all the love languages, but there is a lot more skill required to actually speak this love language fluently. Think of all the times you received a gift that wasn’t true to your personality. Compare it to the times when the… Continue reading Creative Ways To Show Up For Your ‘Gifts’ Love Language Friend

When to Walk Away After Infidelity, According To A Marriage Therapist

Antoni Shkraba

Knowing when to walk away after infidelity is not an easy process. It may cause a whirlwind of emotions including confusion, betrayal and guilt. Read on to find out the best way to identify common themes with infidelity, and when to fix or end the relationship. Meet Shamaree Brissett Shamaree Brissett is a marriage and… Continue reading When to Walk Away After Infidelity, According To A Marriage Therapist

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