PHOTO: Godisable Jacob

Anyone who has ever seen The Devil Wears Prada remembers the lesson Miranda gave Andy: "I’m just learning about all this stuff." 

Miranda goes on to say, "it’s sort of comical how you think that you've made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry when, in fact, you're wearing a sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room, from a pile of stuff."

Although it’s fiction, art imitates life, and that line from Miranda is most certainly true. We can try to escape trends as fiercely as possible, but the (fashion) house always wins. However, there is such a thing as a defined sense of style, and many women have achieved and established a very distinct one. Still, when new collections and trends arrive, we are all tempted to embrace at least a few because they look so darn good or at least innovative.

The question that poses itself is — how do you keep up with trends and still not lose your style persona? Can it even be done at all? That’s what we’ll be exploring today.

Know your Style

PHOTO: Hust Wilson

The first thing you need to do is sit in front of your wardrobe and establish precisely what your style is. It could be pure minialmism, or one with a twist. You could discover endless pops of colors that indicate that you are a statement dresser. There is business casual, athleisure and perhaps you’ve even meshed several styles and created a recognizable personal hybrid.

Going through your wardrobe is also important because we sometimes forget all the things we own, so a refresher course is always welcome, especially if you plan on making trendy additions to your wardrobe. Once this is done, it’s time to go shopping.

Know Your Details 

PHOTO: Godiasble Jacob

Whether you’re browsing your favorite online stores or visiting brick and mortar ones, it’s easy to get carried away by all the novelty and amount of choices. However, while browsing, always keep your current wardrobe in mind and ask yourself two crucial questions – will this item get along with the things I already own or will it throw my style game off course?

If you find that the colors, textures and even details such as the neckline or sleeve type are easy to work with and that this new ‘trendy’ item won’t overpower the rest of the outfits you’ve already imagined, then go for it! If, on the other hand, you feel like this is just an impulse, an item you’ll buy but possibly never dare to wear, just skip it.


PHOTO: Melody Jacob

One of the most common mistakes people make is purchasing trendy items that don't do their body justice. This is why it’s crucial that you know your body type. Oversized plaid blazers may look great on someone else, but think about what they’ll do to your figure – are they flattering? And this applies to everything. Don’t purchase a trendy pair of culottes if they make your legs visually shorter, the trendiness is simply not worth it.

The same should be applied swimwear. Crochet bikinis might be back in style, but don’t fall prey to this trend if you know it won’t look flattering on you. There are tons of other options – case in point, the wonderful monochromatic swimsuits that are simple and flattering, and the best part – you can accessorize with your go-to beach staples, or not – just follow your style gut.

Know Your accessories  

PHOTO: Godisable Jacob

Accessories are the glue that hold the entire wardrobe together, so make sure you have a very curated selection that is conspicuously and unmistakably you. This way, no matter what you wear, you maintain "your unique you." It's your choice of shoes, purses, hats and distinct jewelry that will add character to your look. 

It's important to always have a variety in your closet. Dress for the occasion. If you are a jeans and tee kind of person, be sure to still have to own a chic dress for a wedding or two, and a couple of conservative outfits for the office and more formal settings. 

At the end of the day, remember this: current trends don't define you, you define the current trends. Be you.

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