It’s always a great time for personal growth journal prompts. With the new year around the corner, it is an ideal time to prioritize some inner work. Becoming effortlessly aligned with your goals is best accomplished through self-reflection. Whether this year was your most growth-filled year or a year of challenges, you deserve some time to reset and attract growth in abundance for the coming year. 

Why Should You Use Growth Journal Prompts?

Growth looks different for everybody. Guided journal prompts offer much-needed support to gain deeper focus on the areas of life that may need extra attention. It is no surprise that it’s a popular method for those who want to keep track of their thoughts and goal progress. Journaling may even become a foundational part of one’s daily practice.

In preparation for the new year, these are some of the top personal growth journal prompts to keep you aligned with your new year goals.

40 Guided Prompts for Personal Growth

What has my essence been this year? Was it intentional?

What has growth looked like this year for me?

Which areas of my life can I make space for more growth?

Which areas of my life can I afford to be more rested on?

Where do I exist in my most easeful state?

Where have I invested most of my attention in the last year of my life?

How has this impacted my mental, emotional, and physical health?

What would be the effect of me reassessing how I divide up my attention?

Are there any limiting beliefs preventing me from living the life I desire?

What insecurities exist in my life? 

Have I ever decided to address these? To what end or why not?

What things do I need to release to become better?

What things do I need to call in to become better? 

How did I flourish in my career goals this year?

What am I most proud and elated about in my career so far?

Is there anything that bothers me about my job(s) that I can undo?

Do I leave space for joy in my work life?

How can I live my dream life, in large and small capacities, starting from today?

What does a year of pleasure look like for me?

What are my goals in love this year?

Is there enough romance in my life? 

List the ways that romance has been reshaped/redefined in my life experience. Is this mostly positive or negative?

What do I need to do to become a better communicator?

What were my biggest lessons about my family this year?

How have I grown into my chosen role within my family dynamics?

Which friendships will I deepen and intentionally put effort into nurturing?

Did I make time for social activities that felt good to me? 

What will I keep or adjust in my time with family next year?

How can we grow as a family as well as individuals? 

List the ways that growth has shown up in personal health care.

Set 5 health goals for next year.

What has been my healthiest decision this year?

What reminders will be helpful for me to live in tune with my wellbeing?

If I overdo it, what are the warning signs that my body usually signals to me?

What support will I need to thrive without burning out?

How can I take my self-care to the next level this year?

How can I establish my spiritual wellness routines?

Name something or someone that makes you feel closer to God.

What is my word for the coming year? Redefine this word and make it work for your own approach to language and life-living.