Blue Monday is said to be the most depressing day of the year. Falling in January every year, this is the day calculated to be the peak of misery for some. With January comes financial difficulty, failed or exhausting New Year resolutions, the return to work and routine, and bleak weather. Blue Monday is the day when all of this becomes unbearable.

What is Blue Monday?

Blue Monday falls on the third Monday of January. This year, Blue Monday falls on Monday, January 15. While it was originally coined by UK travel company ‘Sky Travel’, Blue Monday has become a globally recognized day. It has also become an opportunity to discuss the effects of SAD and mental struggle that often arrives in the quiet of the post-festive season.

Compared to the holiday season, January isn’t typically the merriest of months. January is a month that is notorious for being long, devoid of warmth for most countries in the northern hemisphere, and less than social. Mondays also have a reputation for being hard to look forward to. Hence, Blue Monday being a tough day for mental and emotional wellbeing for some.

5 Common Symptoms to Expect

The New Year Resolution Slump

For those who set New Year Resolutions, this may be the point in January where it becomes quite difficult to maintain motivation. Blue Monday sadness may creep in and over-take the start-of-year excitement. This sense of defeat may contribute to the blues. The sense of failure coupled with the (sometimes too large) expectations may be responsible for this. Consider taking a different approach to New Year self-betterment that isn’t as much pressure.

Holiday Withdrawals

Sometimes the post-holiday season withdrawal is hard to handle. Taking down the Christmas decor, saying goodbye to guests and family members, and no longer spending time relaxing and eating all day long can be a harsh shift.

Avoiding the Cold and Adequate Outdoor Time

With less daylight hours and more bare trees, it is easy to see why January hosts the potentially most depressing day of the year. Avoiding time outdoors to stay warm inside may also contribute to sadness. Limiting contact with nature makes it harder to feel joy.

The Importance of Eating Healthily

Without a doubt eating a healthy, balanced diet is a strong recommendation when it comes to improving low mood. Keep in mind that after the holiday season, food is, for most households, the center of the holiday period. Eating indulgent meals at irregular hours may have an impact on mood and overall health. Eating a diet that is healthy and well-rounded is a useful way to combat Blue Monday’s effects.

Debt and Finances

With gift-giving season coming to a halt, January is often a long and difficult period for some. Spending without question in December may have knock-on effects for some in January. The emotional and psychological effects of financial instability may also play a role in Blue Monday. It may be worth speaking with a professional or therapist to receive support during this period.

Affirmations to Keep Sadness Away

Here are some affirmations for this Blue Monday. They’ll help ease the pressure of the day. Repeat them as often as you like to remind yourself of the calm that you’re entitled to:

I choose joy and ease effortlessly

I deserve to live an abundantly calm life

Nothing can overpower my bold commitment to peace

I am grounded, centered, and limitless

I am surrounded by loving people, living a loving life and it reflects in me

It’s important to remember that mental health ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days are unique to everyone. Blue Monday doesn’t have to define the tone of your day. Some argue that Blue Monday is a public relations stunt that the original travel agency used to sell flights in the gloomy season. Whatever your stance, it is worth being aware of any emotions that may arise on the day. As always, prioritizing mental wellbeing is a must.