As the temperature drops and the cool weather sets in, Black women with curly hair often find themselves facing a unique set of challenges in maintaining the health and vibrancy of their curls. Cool-weather can lead to dryness, frizz, and even breakage, making it crucial to adapt your curl care routine to the changing seasons. 21Ninety is here to help you explore essential tips and techniques to keep your curls looking their best as the cooler months approach.

Moisture Is Key

One of the primary concerns for Black women with curly hair during cool weather is moisture loss. Cooler temperatures and lower humidity levels can strip your hair of its natural moisture, leading to dryness and frizz. To combat this, invest in a good moisturizing shampoo and conditioner specifically formulated for curly hair. Look for sulfate-free products, as sulfates can be harsh on textured hair.

Additionally, consider incorporating deep conditioning treatments into your routine once a week. These treatments provide intense hydration, replenishing lost moisture and helping your curls stay soft and manageable. Don’t forget to use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to detangle your hair while the conditioner is in, to prevent breakage.

Protective Styles

Protective styles are a fantastic option for maintaining your curls’ health in cool weather. Styles like braids, twists, and bantu knots not only keep your hair protected from the harsh elements but also reduce manipulation and breakage. When opting for protective styles, make sure not to braid or twist too tightly, as this can lead to damage. You can also incorporate wigs and extensions into your protective style rotation. These can give your hair a break from daily styling and help maintain moisture levels.

Regular Trims

Regular trims are crucial for curly hair, regardless of the season. Trimming your hair every 8-12 weeks helps eliminate split ends and prevents breakage. During cooler months, it’s even more essential to keep your ends healthy, as they can become brittle in the cold, dry air. After every wash assess your ends and make sure that they are healthy.

The Right Products

Choosing the right hair care products is paramount to maintaining your curls in cool weather. Go for leave-in conditioners, oils, and serums that are designed to provide moisture and protect your hair from environmental stressors. When styling your hair, use products that offer hold without causing stiffness or flaking. Be cautious of mixing products as it can cause white overcast and buildup.

Less Heat Styling

Cool-weather might tempt you to turn to heat styling tools to achieve a sleek look, but excessive heat can be damaging to curly hair. Instead, try to embrace your natural texture by using heat-free styling methods like twist-outs, braid-outs, and flexi rods. If you must use heat, make sure to use a heat protectant spray and keep the temperature low.

Nighttime Routine

Protect your curls even while you sleep. Invest in a silk or satin pillowcase to reduce friction and prevent breakage. Consider using a satin bonnet or scarf to cover your hair, ensuring your curls retain moisture overnight. This also protects your face from any oils or products you may have used during your nighttime hair routine.

Regular Washing

While you don’t need to wash your hair daily, it’s essential to maintain a regular washing schedule to remove dirt, product buildup, and excess oils. Use lukewarm water rather than hot water, as hot water can strip your hair of natural oils and contribute to dryness. Create a wash day schedule and routine and stick with it for best results.

Stay Hydrated

Lastly, remember that hair health starts from within. Just as it’s essential to keep your body well-hydrated to function correctly, your hair also relies on moisture. Hair is made up of a protein called keratin, and it needs to maintain a certain level of moisture to remain flexible and strong. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your hair hydrated and supports overall health, which can reflect the vitality of your curl care.