The secret to manifestation is right under our noses, however, we have subconsciously been brainwashed by society to believe that we can't live out the life of our dreams. 

For those who don’t know or quite understand what the Law Of Attraction is, it’s a belief system that simply revolves around our thoughts, therefore creating our external and internal reality. Our thoughts have a huge impact on our lives and whether we realize it or not, where we currently are is in fact an accumulation of the thought patterns that have gotten us here. 

The secret to attracting your innermost desires really starts in the way you think. Are you thinking of the best possible case scenarios when it comes to your desires? Or do you constantly trick yourself out to believe that you’re not worthy of them? 

Either way, the facts remain the same. To attract is to believe and to believe is to attract. In order to make your manifestations, a reality you have to change the way you think which is always rooted in the way we internally feel about ourselves and our own inner self-worth. 

I’ve in fact used the Law of Attraction numerous times where it’s actually worked for me time and time again. The secret in living out my manifestations started in my belief system. I ultimately had to change limiting societal beliefs that told me I wasn’t worthy or deserving of the life I deeply wanted. I ultimately had to unlearn all that I was conditioned to learn by knocking down a preexisting foundation. 

One of the ways I did this was by listening to positive affirmations. I still to this day listen to positive affirmations every morning, which continue to help me regulate negative thought patterns and beliefs rooted in fear.

Here are a few critical things to do when you’re actively manifesting 

1) Throw out the old and make way for the new

  1. 2) Replace negative thought patterns with positive ones 

  2. 3) Already act as though you have what you want 

  3. 4) Visualize and write your manifestations down (in pencil) 

  4. 5) Create a plan of action 

  5. 6) Let go of attachment and surrender to the universe 

And though following these steps was extremely hard, it helped me to finally believe in the inner power I always knew that I had within. I started to view myself in a higher vibration. I started to view myself as a queen that’s worthy of good things, and slowly but surely, after constantly working on bettering my vibration, I started to notice huge differences within my life. 

Secondly, after continuing to hone in on my vibrational point of frequency, I started to believe that what I wanted were things that I already had. I started to envision that I was currently living the life of my dreams which resulted in me actively showing up as my future self. I would ask myself a few questions such as if I had this particular dream, how would I act? How would I revolve my life around it? Who would I be? 

When manifesting your dream life, it’s so important that you knock down old foundations, habits, thoughts, and behaviors that are no longer serving you. Manifestations cannot become our reality if we don’t create the space for them. One of the best ways I like to view this is by taking a cup and overfilling it with water. Yes, it’s nice for our cup to be overflowing, but how can it begin to retain new blessings and opportunities if we’re constantly holding onto the old. 

This brings me to my next point, a lot of our beliefs are rooted in fear. Our egos can and do have a huge impact on our lives which makes it hard for us to see the truth behind the illusion. We all have an inner magician within us, which can in fact be really scary. Realizing the amount of power you do have means that you can take yourself to high places that aren't usually within your comfort zone- again, frightening! 

And though our comfort zones are like safe havens, It’s so easy for us to get caught up by playing it safe to where we actually start to insult our own potential. Unlike what society has told us, we’re all capable of things we can’t even fathom, and the secret that no one tells you about manifestation is that it brings you closer to living your truth and the innate power you were destined to have. 

If you’ve come across this article, just know that your dream life is waiting for you and that you are in fact the co-creator of your life, you just have to believe that you have that power. Life isn’t always fair to us, but we can in fact change the narrative by believing that we’re worthy and deserving of good things, and this all starts with the person behind the mirror.