Black Americans make up just six percent of the life sciences workforce, according to the PEW Research Center. Forty-eight percent of those professionals are women. A new initiative between exploration nonprofit OceanX and Spelman College has plans to improve those numbers.

The partnership will focus on four core areas to systematically develop more Black students, especially Black women, into marine scientists. Each year, about 14 students travel on OceanX’s state-of-the-art scientific research vessel, OceanXplorer, for two weeks during the summer months. The program is now teaming up with Spelman to offer its students and faculty an opportunity to take part. In August, three Spelman students are expected to join in on the adventure.

Marine Life For Black Girls

Students who travel with OceanX as part of the Young Explorers program will be immersed in hands-on research in marine biology and oceanography. They will be housed in a scientific lab at sea and under the supervision of professionals already practicing in ocean exploration.

Nicole Johnston, a lecturer in Spelman’s biology department and the college’s resident marine biologist shared her thoughts on the partnership with The 19th News.

“This collaboration — what makes it different is that it guarantees a spot for a Spelman student on the ship each year starting in the summer,” she said. “And the thing that makes this even more unique is the fact that OceanX has paired with Black in Marine Science, who are on the ship with the students there. It’s like that saying, ‘If you can see it, you can be it.’”

Mattie Rodrigue, OceanX’s science program lead, says that this partnership could open doors for generations.

“We’re really hoping through partnerships like this amazing one with Spelman and other initiatives that we’re taking on that we can provide tools and accessibility for historically underserved people,” she explained. “To really get out and engage in the ocean science exploration space to make discoveries of their own and amplify that work. We’re really excited to partner with Spelman because Spelman is iconic. It’s an incredible institution.”