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Exploring Alternative Healing Practices

Mikhail Nilov

As the world becomes more connected, people are seeking alternative ways to maintain their health and well-being. While traditional Western medicine remains the primary form of healthcare for Americans, many individuals are looking towards alternative healing procedures to supplement their wellness journey. Here are some alternative health approaches to consider. Before trying any of these… Continue reading Exploring Alternative Healing Practices

Benefits Of A Four-Day Workweek For Black Workers

Photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio

Could Fridays become the mental health day that every black woman needs from work? The idea of a four-day workweek has been gaining momentum in recent years. The transition would be simple. Instead of working five days a week, employees would work four days, allowing them to have a three-day weekend. The concept has been embraced by some companies, and now, a new bill in Congress aims to make it a national reality.

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