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A Glorified Eating Disorder: Why I Stopped Intermittent Fasting

Photo of a young African-American woman drinking water

If you type in intermittent fasting on any social network, from Instagram to TikTok, you’ll see endless discourse on this weight loss trend and its varying methods of execution. Fitness influencers share how many pounds they shed eating intermittently, while an audience follows. However, could time-restricted eating be (surprise, surprise) doing more harm than good?… Continue reading A Glorified Eating Disorder: Why I Stopped Intermittent Fasting

Different Ways To Cope With Work Anxiety

Photo Credit: Mizuno K

Work anxiety is an increasingly common challenge in the fast-paced and demanding world of today’s professional environment. As we navigate tight deadlines, high expectations, and the constant pressure to excel, it’s crucial to recognize the signs of work-related stress and adopt effective coping mechanisms.  Understanding Work Anxiety and Its Signs Work anxiety is a psychological… Continue reading Different Ways To Cope With Work Anxiety

How to Beat Imposter Syndrome

Photo Credit: Westend 61

For some people, when good things happen it’s easy to start feeling what is called imposter syndrome. It’s a phenomenon that undermines achievements and makes a person question their abilities. The truth is, you are deserving of the good things that come your way. It’s time to break free from the clutches of imposter syndrome… Continue reading How to Beat Imposter Syndrome

The 7 Stages of Trauma Bonding

As humans, we’ve developed many ways of dealing with difficult circumstances. Some are healthier ways of coping, like therapy starting a journaling practice or opening up to friends. Other methods, like trauma dumping or numbing through substances, can prove to be more harmful than healing. Defined as an abuser using manipulation tactics to make their… Continue reading The 7 Stages of Trauma Bonding

How To Handle the Christmas Blues

Photo by Victor Ace Geoffrey

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but not for everyone. While many can’t hold back their holiday cheer, others experience much of the opposite. It can be an isolating feeling to wonder, “Why do I feel sad during Christmas?”, but seasonal depression affects a large part of the population.  Known as the Christmas… Continue reading How To Handle the Christmas Blues

How To Forgive What You Can’t Forget

Mindfulness tools like therapy, journaling and meditating have all become popularized in recent years because, at the end of the day, we all want to be better versions of ourselves. We’re told that the pillars of self-improvement are love, gratitude and forgiveness. However, it’s this last pillar that can sometimes be difficult to master. Letting… Continue reading How To Forgive What You Can’t Forget

How To Practice the Law of Assumption

Photo by Viktoria Slowikows

From vision boarding to manifesting your dream life by being delusional, there’s always a new trend around the corner that promises you all of your desires with a simple shift in mindset. One of those trends is the law of assumption, currently taking social media by storm. A slightly different approach to the already popularized… Continue reading How To Practice the Law of Assumption

12 Key Phrases Narcissistic Mothers Say and How To Respond To Them

No matter how healthy the dynamic is, mother-daughter relationships are always complex. In healthy relationships, a mother can be a best friend, and in unhealthy ones, a trigger. Unfortunately, the wounds from these relationships can scar one pretty deeply. However, there’s nothing that intensifies having a tangled relationship with one’s mother quite like narcissism. When… Continue reading 12 Key Phrases Narcissistic Mothers Say and How To Respond To Them

How to Choose Happiness Daily

Photo Credit: Thought Catalog

In the same way we select our clothes every morning, we can choose our thoughts. We can choose a mindset that cultivates joy, focuses on the positive, and appreciates the present. Choosing happiness does not mean that life is without pain or struggle. Instead, it’s about acknowledging emotions – both the good and the heavy – and focusing… Continue reading How to Choose Happiness Daily

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